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South Asia Regional Infrastructure Connectivity (SARIC) 
SARIC Training- 2023 (Large Systems Training Program) 

Technical Training for

100 Women Energy Professionals

in South Asia (SAR-100)

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Who We Are

WePOWER SAR100 is a series of trainings for women professionals in the energy sector from the Southeast Asia region (SAR).  It is a collaborative regional effort that will upgrade skillsets and build gender diversity in a key development sector. SAR100 is offered as part of the South Asia Regional Infrastructure Connectivity (SARIC) program, funded the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through Palladium International. The World Bank is spearheading SAR100 together with national counterparts from seven (7) participating countries represented in the Regional Working Group (RWG).


SAR100 has its coordinating hub at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand, hosted by the Energy Development: Services, Management & Technology (EDSMAT) program. The SAR100 program will be piloted for a cohort of 100 mid-career women professionals from the South Asian Region (SAR), namely Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The program comprises 10 modules, which will be delivered in hybrid mode over 6-8 months. Participants will attend a capstone event at AIT Bangkok at the end of the program.  Successful participants will be awarded professional certificates by AIT.  The first module is scheduled for June/July 2023.

For More Information

Industrial Engineer


SAR100 Project Officer

Name:   Mr Binay Karna
Whatsapp:   +66 94 935 1352
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