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Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dash

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dash has worked as a Senior Program Specialist with Yunus Center of AIT since August 2022. Before this, he was working with AIT Extension (AITX) of the Asian Institute of Technology from 1996 which is for almost 25 years. Dr. Dash has accumulated a wealth of experience in proposal writing, marketing professional development training programs, liaising with various Government, and donor agencies, and conducting/coordinating multiple training programs in the area of Development Planning and Management, Project Management, Good Governance, HRM, Financial Management related programs for various organizations of Asia-Pacific regions and few African countries.

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As an expert in capacity building for various professional development training programs, Dr. Dash is responsible for planning, management, and execution of various customized and advertised international training programs and multi-country training cum study visits programs. His primary area of expertise is in the field of Human Resource Management, Project Management, Project Monitoring and Evaluation, Rural and Regional Development Planning, Natural Resource Management, Urban development Planning and Management, and Water and Environment related fields.

Dr. Dash successfully conducted over 250 training programs in the last two decades in various subjects and thematic areas. During the last 4-5 years he has undertaken and coordinated more than 50 training and multi-country study visits program for the public sector organizations of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh to various countries such as Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Philippines, and Vietnam. He has conducted several Caravan training/capacity building programs for the World Food Program at Colombo and Phnom Penh, Knowledge Management workshops for the Ministry of Education, Nepal, etc.

Dr. Dash received his M.A., (1989) and M.Phil (1990) in Geography from Utkal University and an M.Sc. degree in Rural and Regional Development Planning (1996) from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. & Ph.D. in Development Planning and Management (2006). He works in a multicultural team environment and has the ability to motivate team members.


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